Thursday, May 8, 2014

class#13 : in the context of the virtual world.


I go by the name, Edward SEKIZIYIVU. A student that participates in the course mt35101 with professor Walsh Brady. Virtual worlds have al,ways been something i would love to be apart of. That can be seen from the fact that i watch all my movies in 3Dimensional. Taking this class opened up my eyes and a lot has been taught to me through classmates and the professor.

Joining all theses different worlds, has been horrible but fun most times. One of my really never forget moments is when we had to do a building project together as a group.
Meshmoon really was a hard one to use, but we had it to go. Lots of good times in the virtual worlds , did I have just by moving from world to world.

In the virtual world, we find challenges and toils throughout the whole semester. Personally i developed some really interesting Ideas, that never in my whole life would i have never gotten. Programs like green foot, make human avatar.
Below are a few avatars, that i liked.

Making avatars was a really good time. Even when i failed to get my face in there.

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